Des Moines: Changing Light

Des Moines: Changing Light showcases the heart of downtown Des Moines with some of the most iconic scenes we’ve all come to love and some new angles many have not seen.

Jess spent many early mornings and late nights capturing footage in the changing light around the golden hours of the day. Capturing time-lapse in this changing light can be challenging but very rewarding when you get the shot just right. Post-processing can be tedious as many shots involve manually changing camera settings during the shot which can be tough to master with little room for error. Many of these shots also resulted from him spending time pouring over various weather models to be in the right place at the right time. It’s great when it all comes together!

While working on this project we met some incredible local photographers that have inspired us and motivated us to do even better. Jess also worked with many businesses to gain access to some of the great spots shown and we can’t thank them enough.

Jess has been working on this for more than a year, ramping up significantly in the last 9 months. It’s been a large project with over 200 hours of planning, scouting, capturing, and editing. We hope you enjoy the views as much as we did capturing them. You can view this video in 4K UHD to see every detail of the city in perfect clarity.

This project was made by just the two of us (mostly Jess) but with much assistance from family and friends.
Every clip and still frame from this is available for licensing or print, feel free to contact Jess directly with any inquires or work requests –

Music credit: The Time To Run (Finale) – Dexter Britain


Total Solar Eclipse 2017


Westcliffe, Colorado Dark-Sky Designation